Foothills Quilt

Today is the perfect day to post about a finished foothills quilt top.  The sun is out (for a change) and while the air is a bit chilled, my camera and I ventured out for a photo shoot.

I headed South a few weeks ago for a workshop with Canada native Mary Elizabeth Kinch, and finished one block that day.  Knowing that if I ever put this one away,  it would get buried deeper and deeper and never get finished so at every sewing opportunity, I set a personal goal of completing two blocks.   Block by block until almost to the finish with only 5 more to go.  It took one very long sewing day but all 25 foothills quilt blocks were done.

Foothills Quilt  by marty mason....a mary elizabeth kinch quilt design

Made only from scraps.  The corner half-square triangles required two 5 1/2" blocks of two fabrics and the other fabric requirements were even smaller.  Needless to say there were a lot of scraps out on the table.....

Foothills Quilt  by marty mason....a mary elizabeth kinch quilt design

 Finding the sashing strips was easy.  You see, I have plenty of fabric, but not much of any one design.   I knew I wanted the lime green to accent so began by pulling all fat quarters of that colorway.  Still not enough, I dug into the mustard/green to finish the job.  Now, that's the cat's meow. 

Mary Elizabeth's Foothills quilt was inspired by her love of vintage quilts.   She was especially intrigued by one she saw in a quilt museum (maker unknown) and designed this near replica.

Mine is sans outer borders by personal choice.  I'm enjoying the 70" x 70" manageable size and what I consider a more busy, a more flirtatious design.

Oh, and by the way.....a Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  The HuMan read on the internet that The Queen had all of her invited-to-sup guests weigh in before dining, then weigh out after dining.  Wonder if she wagers who gained the most.   Oh, the humiliation!   That won't be happening here at our Thanksgiving feast day.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you....I loved the disarray and challenge of using only small scraps out of the bin.


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