It's My art quilt

It was a meeting in early 2019 when Sharon tells us that being president of the quilt guild allows her to send out challenges to the group and that her next challenge will be entitled "It's My Party......and I'll cry if I want to."  A song sung by many but Leslie Gore made it a memory for me.  Art quilt completion date and hang date is set for May.

I was in no mood for a party on that particular cold, dreary January day but being the trooper that I am,  came home and started working on ideas.   Let's see....what parties can one have in May.  Well, there is May Day where kids dance around the pole and Cinco de Mayo celebrating the Mexican heritage of many and of course, Mother's Day.  But my mind kept going back to an outside garden party with flowers in full bloom.   A tea party idea was out of the question as was a fish fry or steak cookout!

The final idea was off-the-wall-wild!  Flowers can have a party in the garden....can't they?

Step one was to make a background using minuscule scraps one on top of the other with raw edges exposed.  Flowers, leaves and stems were then appliqued onto the background in random fashion.

 Hand quilting and flower head embellishing came next for the final meow.

 Yes, it's a wild flower party and we're having a blast getting dressed up in style.

Hand-dyed in orange, these tangled threads made the perfect flower's head for a standout in the party crowd.

Here's the statement made for the quilt label and maker acknowledgement:

It's My Party....a wild flower party hosted by Crissy the Mum and attended by Rosey, Violet, Lily, Daisy and Iris.  Black Eyed Susan sent her regrets.  Zinnia served Rosemary her Sweet Violet tea and Aster brought her favorite Ginger snap cookies to pass around to all.  We like them wild at the wild flower party where there's no room for tears. 

Marty Mason
May, 2019 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have tears...from partying with the flowers and laughing a little too hard. Talk about taking a challenge to the nth degree! The wild society article is hilarious!


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