What's New?

February wasn't my typical month.  While there was some sewing going on, it wasn't so much in my usual setting, but in a hospital and rehabilitation center.  You see, the HuMan in my life had a stroke early in the month and is now recovering beautifully.   We are home and he is going through out-patient rehabilitation.   Life continues to be good as we take one day at a time and make it the best day we can.   

So, what's sewing on?    Quilting, whether by hand or machine,  continues to be my therapy....and it was very therapeutic to get the binding hand sewn on these three quilts as I sat and watched as he continued to heal.   I knew there was a reason those quilts were stacked in the closet ready to grab and stitch to completion!

Yes, we foresee a most favorable outcome and consider this just a toe stub or a slight dip in the road. It was eye-opening for both of us and some life style changes are being  made. 



  1. So happy to hear he is doing well -- what a wonderful attitude you have (and that makes such a difference, for both of you!). Good thoughts for continued healing headed your way.

    1. Thank you Kelly. It was a very frightening experience but we had a power greater than we are holding on to us. The only attitude we could have was that we will remain strong.

  2. Oh I am so sorry to hear that. I hope he will fully recover. My aunt had a pretty bad stroke and did fine for the next 25 years! My heart to you, I know what it is to care for loved ones. Stay strong!

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words. He has made progress by leaps and bounds and for that we are thankful.


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