Post Gees Bend Quilters' Retreat - blues

I've just returned from a most delicious and delightful retreat....with the quilters' of Gees Bend from, Boykin, Alabama - Mary Anne Pettway and China Pettway.     There were 36 of us eager-to-enjoy members in the group - all corralled by Anne, our beautiful Gray Center Retreat host.  Yes, you guessed it.  We had a rip-roaring good time.  It was a four day blast of energy and creativity rejuvenation.  And the food was from the gods! 

We came from California and New York and points in between to share ideas and fabric, love and laughter while Mary Ann and China mentored each of us in our quilting patchworks in progress and lifted us up with their soul-filled music. 

From start to finish:  Was it only 2016? that a group of us bussed to Gees' Bend, Alabama.  While there, Mary Ann was working on a little patch and I came home with it....signed, of course, by it's maker, Mary Ann Pettway.

I had the foresight to take the patch back with me last week and had Mary Ann add the final border and add the current date.  I hand quilted it and added binding this week for a finished momenta of the beauty of  a glorious time with queens of improv patchwork. 

This pink and lime predominately thrift store linens, started while at the retreat and the patchwork pieced borders were added this week after I got back home.    I think I'll call it a "running with lemon grass."  It's filled with the lime and lemon colors of citrus. 

and other snapshots while at Gray Center, Canton, Mississippi.

Sisson wears his patchwork!

then it was breakfast and goodbye until we meet again ~

China Pettway following Mary Ann Pettway as they leave
Gees Bend Quilting Retreat


  1. I get chills reading this and realizing how fortunate we were to be there among so many creative, intelligent, sociable women...and man! It was so good for my soul!

  2. Oh my goodness, this post it so inspiring. Thank you! I am going to the retreat in August. Can hardly wait. Your pictures are wonderful.
    Krista Baker
    Kirksville, MO

    1. So wishing I could go with you. This retreat lacks for nothing so be prepared.

  3. We were talking about this retreat in our modern group. And there you Were!

    1. .....and have already signed in for June, 2020. So fun.

  4. I haven't been on retreat but I've been to Gees Bend and that alone was inspiring. I'm happy that you were able to go and enjoyed it so much.

  5. Mary, then you've been to the heart of their quilts at The Collective. Yes, this was a great getaway for me and I do so hope to meet them again.


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