Old er....now, that's a good thing ~

Listening to Neil Young music ~ excerpt from Old Man ~

  "give me things that don't get lost."

Yes, that's where I am today, looking for things that get lost while listening to Neil Young music.

a binding that I know was put aside

an apron pattern purchased two years ago buried in the black hole called lost patterns(?)

                there may be more success looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack

Neil Young wrote that the Old Man lyrics were inspired by an old ranch foreman - a caretaker who takes care of cows.....and fences.

I'm in need of a caretaker, not for my cows or fences but that someone to find things that tend to get lost.  

Samples of quilt blocks lost and never found.  In exasperation, duplicates were made:  

May I find solace and the ability to put my hands on things that aren't lost ~ 

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