The Common Thread ~

The common thread - that which holds together - the glue.  Obviously, in a book club, the glue is books, reading, word power,  knowledge.

The common thread in a garden club, motorcycle club, vintage car club, photography club?  The answers are obvious.  So it is in quilting groups....the obvious.  The common thread is enjoying the art of quilting and being with like minds who want to share the joy.

The structure of  a quilting group is usually the main....the guild.  Then, based on common interests....hand quilting or applique, machine quilting and so on, the guild members gravitate into and form smaller sub-groups....the Bees.  It's within the Bee groups where quilting is the predominant focus.    It's the place for fun, relaxation and fellowship and where the more intimate friendships are cultivated.  It's also the place where solving life problems is likely to be happening.

The main group, The Guild, by nature has to focus on business and  needs structure, i.e. the governing body, the rules.  But what is happening in a group to which I belong is that the integrity of the body is being questioned.  Questions are being asked as to why the rules and why so much accountability and why are there no quilting activities.

I must admit that I, too, have thought at times that the group could be run in a better way or that changes could solve some problems.   From my perspective, leadership was lacking, meetings had no order, money was being spent without obvious control. Members had questions that no one would or could answer.  Members had suggestions that weren't being considered.   To sum it up - there was turmoil, stress and strife.    I was grumbling silently and out loud about this and that.  Certainly not helping anything or anybody.

My grumbling had to stop!  I'm a straight forward person, an open book.   You might call me a shoot-from-the-hip-type of person  (when it comes to making an obvious decision).   I had  a choice....either stay in or get out.   I opted to stay in....stay in and get involved.  My first overt action was to learn more about functions within the group.  I volunteered to become a group officer so I could go to business meetings and be a part of changing the group into one that is more transparent and more receptive.   In the past year, the bylaws, policy and procedures have been re-evaluated and changed to strengthen,  clarify or even do away with some parts of the structure.  Order is now being maintained in business meetings as well as open group sessions.  Everyone who wants to speak has an opportunity, but in an orderly fashion. Meetings have a structure, an agenda.    Group decisions are only made after healthy discussions.  Money is accounted for (a rule) and everyone has a voice.    To sum it up: chaos has been turned into order.

Look me directly in the eye and tell me you've done all you can
 to help
solve your problem! 

Yes, some members are now saying there are too many rules.  I laugh out loud when I say thank goodness for stop signs at road intersections and fences around pools.  Thank goodness for meals served at breakfast time, lunch time and supper time and thank goodness for the watch on my wrist so I can be at the table on time to stop my grumbling. 

TTFN as I continue to keep my sense of humor!

Just saying - Marty

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Wish I had written this. I agree with every word!


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