May 1 and I'm dancing ~

Yes, doing a Happy Spring dance.  The mirror, mirror quilt top is finished! and I'm rather enjoying the Tula Pink  Tent Stripe in Fern surrounding all those hexagons.  No, it's not in perfect symmetry as the Kathy Doughty pattern might have suggested,  but what counts is that this quilt maker is okay with the out of sync-ness!   The Material Obsession pattern has 10 finished 'mirrors' but life just wouldn't let me take it that far so I gladly stopped at 7 and it's rather a good finish at seventy by seventy...ish. 


While out taking the picture, I enjoyed.....

A beautiful Louisiana May day here at home....not too cold, not too hot as I strolled the back garden.

Even with all the garden down sizing in the past couple of years,  there's still plenty to see....but not a weed in sight.  Staying home has been a good thing in my back garden. 

May your day be filled with serenity. 

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