Reading and quilt-Making ~

What a life!  The sun is shining on a new day and I just finished another book and I cried.  Yes, I feel strongly that animals talk and also have feelings.  They are sensitive to our needs and to the needs of their fellow-kind.  I've seen pictures of a chicken nurturing kittens or a cow allowing a lamb to suckle.   It's us human kind that are most insensitive to our fellow man that is so often bothersome to me. 

Speaking of chronicles....the quilt tops continue to roll out  after watching  Sarah Bond's Scrappy Triangle  MQG webinar.    Two down and my scrap bins still overflow!  These scrappy triangles were so easily constructed and are so versatile in the design process. 

improv scrappy triangles - marty mason

.....and an improv background piecing work-in-progress. I didn't run out of fabric, just the pastel lavender stripe!  The red polka dots will finish the improv job nicely. 

improv scrappy triangles - marty mason


  1. Love those triangles. On my “to do “ list along with all the other Quarantine Prijects offered online!

    1. Given enough time, Torch, we'll get those projects done.

  2. Just this afternoon I attended a guild meeting--outdoors with precisely 12 people--and one of my favorite shares was a work in progress of strips sewn into diamonds. That one is not this far along, but already we could see how interesting it's going to be.
    That green is stunning with the strip diamonds. I'd have never thought to use it but then it would have been a great loss. I like even more the little improv pieces. They remind me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it. Hmm, don't you hate when that happens?

  3. I'm so glad your quilting group is together and sharing. Oh, and..........the green was on hand, so my 'why not' attitude kicked in ? In answer to your last question, a resounding YES, I hate it when my thoughts and words and memories don't save themselves.


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