Nattering About ~

My big outing for the week for which I showered, dressed, even applied makeup, was to go to the Farmer's Market.   Heat and humidity is humbling so it was a quick trip.  Tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupe and watermelon are still plentiful but there were no peas...perhaps this week, I was told.

Now comfortably dressed and back in the sewing room, I've been nattering about.....chatting some quilts in stages of finished or not  that have been stacked helter skelter for way too long.   Now I'm nattering to them and sorting into piles.

A pile that is quilted but needs binding.

 A  pile of finished quilt tops stacked with backing and batting - some pin basted....some not but all are screaming to be quilted.

A pile of quilt tops and backing but no batting. By far the largest stack!    Batting is on my 'to be ordered' list.  In the meantime, I really need to use some restraint here and play catch up! 

and finally those totally finished that needs to be fondled one more time, then put away until the next visit.

Perhaps I've been in seclusion too long!

1 comment:

  1. Little things make us happy, and fondling quilts is one of them!


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