Improv Houses ~

 Houses - improv - what a hoot?  I've been in the Freddy Moran quilters' fan club for many a year and seem never to tire of her spontaneity.  What fascinates me most is her unlikely fabric selection for each of her house quilts, yet each house lives beautifully in its neighborhood.  

So, having a bit of time and a lot of scraps, I set about emulating a neighborhood in an improvisational style.  House by house and tree by tree, until construction was complete. It's perfectly sized at 50" x 60" or so. 

Houses surrounded by refreshing is that?


  1. I want to live in that neighborhood! Love it!

    1. Thank you Patty.....we'd make great neighbors even if we kept the rest of the neighborhood awake with our sewing machines humming.


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