Whether I like it or not, August is usually hot with very little rain here in North Louisiana . What started out as the norm, with a very wet mid-point, is ending in it's sunny glory....not entirely for the birds: in my back garden and down the road a bit.
August continued ~
August adjective: Distinguished
August noun: 8th month in Gregorian calendar.....introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII
Whichever way you look at August, it's going my way.
I took the time yesterday (or perhaps the day before) to flip through the pages of Roderick Kiracofe's Unconventional & Unexpected, American Quilts Below The Radar and the one on page 19 stopped me in my tracks. It was all floral fabrics and one could say it was an open window to the outside garden.
My inspiration ~
I'm enjoying the magenta floral mix created by Rashida Coleman Hale for Cotton + Steel and the seafoam floral colorway by Maureen Cracknell for AGF.
Until next time, I reman a totally satisfied quilt-maker enjoying my month of August and august quilt making.
August Accompli ~
What's been accomplished this month.....a lot of quilt-top-making in an improvisational patchwork style:
Oh What Fun making this improv patchwork with some Marcia Derse fabric pieces. This one finished at 42" x 60".
and just from a few scraps....6" blocks surrounded by 1" strips, Oh! My! finished at 46" x 54". Already sold and shipped.
The quickest sew up of all is this Baby Goose pattern by Running Doe Designs. Features Lotta Jansdotter fabric Glimma for a 42" x 58" finish. I've made several from this simple pattern just because it's a fast use of fabric (1 1/4 yds) plus six 8" blocks for the geese with six more 8" background blocks.