From sketches to fabric to art quilts

Often times I just throw something out there and see where it lands. Sometimes on its feet, often on its backside. But backsides are fun to work on.... when you're not afraid of making a mess of something, you can just do what you want. You just kinda go 'oh well' ...this is called practicing!

I've read about artists who keep journals of sketches and think how wonderful it must be to have such talent to pick up pen and ink or watercolor or paint and let it flow. Oh, and then to put that onto canvas. While I don't have that much talent to put it on a surface, my imagination lets me see what I want to convey on fabric. Well, the other day I sketched (like the real folks), then recreated that image on fabric....two times even. They aren't really alike even though I was looking at the same pencil sketch as I stitched. Well, the stems kinda resemble!

Anyway, when dearest got up this morning, his first question was "What are you making today?" and I was able to proudly display this little arty quilt. You see, I thought it was one of those things that had landed on its backside so I wasn't afraid of wasting my time and thread on it. Well, yes I did have to add the Swarovski crystal to the center of the flower to hide the stitching mess I had made . (You wouldn't have known if I hadn't told you). So, now my little quilt is standing on its feet and I've already told it how much I care that (it) was thoughtful enough to just lay there on its backside and let me practice 'til perfection.
, here's the second little work in progress. Coordinated fabrics are selected, now what shall I do to get this one standing!!!

I may not invest in a sketchbook...but I'm sure I'll just keep throwing things out there just to see how they land!

xxx's and ooo's


  1. Thanks for your kind comment on my "Rant" Blog. :) I like your blog. Will be back to see more.

  2. I hope so... and please keep up your good works.

  3. thanks for stopping by...came by to check you out.
    I LOVE that your dearest asked what are you making today!
    i also like your drawing into quilts photos. very nice!

  4. Marty,
    I have been keeping scrap books for ...... a long time. My drawing skills don't really exist, but I understand what is in my scrap books even twenty or more years down the track. And I know why I tore someting out of a magazine
    Now I find they could have been journals if I had added a pretty cover!

  5. Sorry to be so long in responding, its one of those things that I say to myself, I'll get back to later"....well, it's now later. Drawing and sketching is really fun, even though I'm not a sophisticate or professional. It pleases me and since I often think of my art quilts as being of the "artsy" or "bohemian" style, they fit right in. Thanks for enjoying my little treasures. I really should put them into a journal.


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