Purse with photo transfer...what fun

I've been thinking....I have transferred the images of some of my original art cards and art quilts onto fabric...primarily to sell. But, marketing my work has been a real challenge without having to spend an arm - then a leg - to do so. I really don't think craft shows are for me, but I am getting a vendor booth at a local quilt show in September. Planning ahead, I made a list of what I might offer for sale.

Small art quilts (have plenty of those)

Doll quilts - have only made two, but more are in the works. Hope folks are thinking of Christmas gifts (in September) Here's my latest. It's 17" x 21" - dolly will snuggle nicely.

Then, there are the wool munchkin pillows (see pics from previous posts, fabric art cards - holiday, pretty ladies in smart hats, tiptoe thru the tulips. And also greeting/note cards. I can display them for sale individually, or, in the case of the calendar Sunbonnet Sue series (12), I can bundle and make available as a group. I'm thinking bundled with grosgrain ribbon will display nicely. Already have a lot of them printed and ready with envelopes. Hopefully I can find a nice ribbon sale before September.

But now how to make the photo transfers marketable? Folks often ask "What can I do with that??" So, I'm putting together some examples to show them. Putting them into small art quilts is a given. Here is 'tiptoe thru the tulips' for example. I'm hoping to have several of these ready by show time.

And here is "Peaches" photo transfer put into a purse. I might even put together a pattern of how I made it and have available for sale! The possibilities are endless.

Then, there is always fabric bookmarks...and the list will go on (surely). Plenty to do to get ready for all those buyers (that I have yet to find), but will...I think I can, I think I can, I know I can.

Not a wordless Sunday...hugs til later



  1. Marty, I love your work and have no doubt it is marketable.

    Is the bag for sell? It's remarkable!

  2. Hi, thanks so much for your vote of confidence. Yes, as I emailed back to you....I have often quipped that everything I own is for sale...except my husband...but there are times I would gladly give him away!!

  3. Marty, what quilt show in Sept.? I might have to make a road trip. LOL

  4. Hi Donna, and welcome to my site...the quilt show is in Jonesboro,the last weekend in September. I've never done a quilt show, so am looking forward to it. New experience for me.


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