Asterick ***** Quilt WIP....and so it goes

As I wrote just a few days ago, I started this quilt top in June.....Karen over at the Selvage Blog posted a tutorial on how to make these little asterisks and I fell for it just as I do a new ruler or pair of scissors!
Then, full up to here with asterisk blocks, I put the project aside until I spotted AnnMarie's quilt finished out in all that white heart was pumping!  Since I normally purchase white muslin by the bolt (!), I knew I had enough to complete my asterisk quilt top.   By the time I got the three borders sewn on, it finished out at 64" x 74" which made a big asterisk ***** statement.....
 P.S.:  Thank you Vicki... Field Trip In Fiber now, that's a good thing!

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