Oh Christmas Tree, a rag quilt pattern by Karla Alexander, while not available at this site, is well worth buying if you find it.  I once had the original pattern, but woe is me....decided to sell it....but before I did, I (thankfully) had the foresight to make a photocopy.  About this time every year, I get the urge to make Christmas "stuff."  Imagine that!

And for some unknown reason, I sold the quilt too.....oh, double woe!

But then I made this cotton rag cozy...love pulling it out for the season. 

And this pattern is still available.  I found it here.

And, finally, from my flannel scraps, I made the house cats this rag cozy.  They love snuggling together on it on cold winter nights. 

Anyway....I said all that to say this -  Hannah's, a most delightful little country quilt shop near here, had a great variety of flannels on sale that were just irresistible, so I decided it was time to make another rag quilt.   The squares are cut and ready to sew....but that will have to wait - it will be  my No. 1 sewing project for 2011!

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