I have my permission!

I gave myself permission - a very long time ago - to put the clippers and shovel down once the wheelbarrow had a full load.   It's worked wonders on  my attitude toward working on weeds.  I don't always stop after one load full, but today I did.  Yes, you are right, the wheelbarrow is not really at a full load.  Oh, Well!!!

Life's too short not to be able to take pictures and blog so
I'm off to make my May Quilter's Calendar

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a full enough load to me. I pulled weeds last in a patch between my neighbors and my home. The neighbors had moved away, and I didn't know the house had sold. I got done weeding and lo and behold the new owners moved in as soon as I got done! Funny. they'll never know and that is fine. It felt good to be playing in the dirt again.


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