May Quilter's Calendar

Well, of course I wish this was my quilt.....but it isn't!  Here's the scoop - Mary Canterbury says she cut the bricks 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" and the white spacers 2 1/2" square.  Make as many as your size requires....Mary used 7 bricks per row for this child's quilt.  Start with a brick, then a spacer, etc on the first row then start with a spacer, then add the brick, etc on the second row.  Use this alternate pattern until your desired length  is reached.   This pattern would also work beautifully with 6 1/2" x 3 1/2" bricks and 3 1/2" square spacers for a larger quilt...don't you think?  I love the green dot Mary is auditioning for the back of her quilt. 

To download the May calendar for your desktop screen saver, go here.  By the end of the merry month of May, you'll have Mary's quilt completed for the next child on your gift list! 

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