Playing with modern quilt guild logo

Today's playful photoshop moment, merging my modern swap blocks with some bold block print to help me decide on the name of our new modern quilt guild here in Louisiana.  We are in the nothern part of the state and more narrowly located, the northeastern part of Louisiana. 

Here is yesterday's  playful moment.....I'm undecided about the name.  Do I want Northeast Louisiana
or does North Louisiana have the best feel?  Do I care  one way or the other?  Not really; however.....I really like North Louisiana better.  Now, there, I've made my decision.  But I'll go along with whatever name the majority of the group wants for us. 

I even like the simplicity of the logo I made for the flyer for our next meeting: 


The Polls Are Open: The Quilting Gallery Polls, that is!

It's time to go VOTE.........on quilts with dots, checks, stripes  at The Quilting Gallery.

I entered my Birdhouses On A Lark quilt because, as you can see,  it is full of dots, checks and stripes and the quilt, in all its exuberant color, would love to have your vote.  What say you?   Voting is open until Monday October 29 @ 8 a.m.  Every paper-pieced bird house and I thank(s) you.

The Quilting Gallery awaits you!  Vote, then scroll and enjoy your visit to this fun-filled blog. 


If Bubba can, then I can too!

"Well, he saw it on t.v.
and ordered that video!
He learned every step at home
     and never told a soul."

If Bubba can dance, then I can learn to play the dulcimer. 

However, it will take more than a see, I am musically challenged.  That means I can't read music, can't carry a tune, can't sit down and play by ear, don't even know where to put my fingers on the boards or strings, or how to hold the bow or how to fit my mouth around the horn or how to breathe from my diaphragm (which I understand is a requirement to sing a song or play the flute.)  

So, pictures are all I have of the play day.    Just don't believe everything you see in a picture. 


Kristi can play her dulcimer and what a delight it was to hear her strum. 

Japanese X and +

It's too late to turn back now! 

These will be my blocks to swap in the very first block swap at the next meeting of the newly formed Modern Quilt Guild here in North Louisiana.  I'm excited!   I've used up all my scraps....gotta go start cutting yardage.  I think this is going to be a great looking quilt.  Easy to follow tutorial here at City Stitches.....

I've got a brand new pair of roller skate - Melanie

My friends know I seldom watch TV, so one of them was generous enough to overnight express mail this to me. I might not drink the water but I did watch the commerical.  The music is worth the ride...Oh, and what folks can do with animation and special effects!  Brand New Key mixed with Evian Babies:  Now I'm gonna hit replay - all day long.  I'll bet this put Malanie's Brand New Key back on the charts and helped to sell a lot of bottled water.   For the kids at heart:   Good morning sunshine! 


Birds at Bath: Photoshop Play

They posed for the camera, then I played with them in Photoshop:  There is nothing BLUE about a Monday morning at the Mason's.....

original photo


pinched the bird bath

original photo


minus one sparrow
and color punched up just a bit

original  photo

 After the sparrow was cloned out and camera distortion applied

Bye Bye Birdie

Time flys when fun is being had!

Where has the year gone................I just realized that I haven't made a calendar of the month for almost a year!  Is it the age or is it the time?  Something is getting away from me. 


When all else fails,make pot holders or hot pads!

Well, actually, nothing has failed today, but I did make pot holders/hot pads to cheer up my kitchen.

I had enough of this home dec fabric to make five round hot pads, each approximately 7" diameter. 
Here's how.  I took one of my kitchen bowls and made a card stock template 8" round then cut 10 circles of my home dec fabric.  That's a front and back for five hot pads!  Next I used the same template to cut 5 circles of batting and 10 circles of the heat resistant fabric...found mine in Hancock's Fabric, but I'm sure most any craft or fabric store has it. 

The stacking order for each layer is important:
  • Top of hot pad - Right Side UP
  • Bottom of hot pad - Right Side DOWN
  • Heat resistant fabric - Right Side DOWN
  • Batting
  • Heat resistant fabric - Right Side UP

Pin all layers together.

and with a 1/2" seam allowance, back-stitching at beginning and end, stitch, leaving a 2" opening for turning.   I then trim away the excess batting and clip the curves for a flatter seam after it's turned. 

Now, peak inside the opening and find the front and back, separate and turn in between these two layers.    You REallY  want your front and back of the hot pad to be on the front and the back! 

Pin the little opening and stitch by hand or do it my way and stitch it closed while doing the quilting.  I used bright thread and wiggle waggle quilting lines on each one.   If you want a tab, you could insert one in the opening before stitching closed.  I normally don't put tabs on my hot pads since they are kept in the kitchen drawer, out of sight, not hung. 


Just yesterday morning ~

friends and I were discussing of all things......a slow cooker aka CROCK POT! and just this morning, I found that Stephanie O'Dea has been making meals 365 days of the year with her CROCK POT.  She has even put her list of recipes in alphabetical order for us.  If Stephanie can do it why, then oh why, can't I?   make this trail mix? 

Nuts and Bolts Trail Mix

Now, I'll digress with the rest of the story: 

You see, the year was around 1972...'73 or so and a CROCK POT was one of the Christmas gifts the company I once slaved worked for offered me.  I took them up on the offer and my avocado green CROCK POT  sat and sat and sat on the shelf for 20 or more years until in one of my down-sizing moments, it was sold  in a garage sale or given away or something.  Suffice it to say, it's just no longer taking up needed space on my kitchen shelf.

Okay, now I'm back to current day thoughts: 

In retirement, we continue to have Christmas gift choices, and lo and behold, one of the choices this year is OH NO....not another CROCK POT!  Pickens are slim this year, so, I shared to the quilting group just yesterday that I might have to get another CROCK POT.  Come to find out, I may be the only quilter who doesn't cook with a CROCK POT.   So in my quest to be like others, I went on a search this morning for CROCK POT recipes and did I ever find them:

the list could go on on a final note, I wonder if Paula Deen CROCK POT cooks.. or The Barefoot Contessa?   I'll do more research and get back with you, but right now, I have to go make my new CROCK POT color selection:  I don't think it will be avocado!

BE Creative: Stay that way!


Just something to think along today's pathway.  Yes, we can!
Reprinted from Letterplay

Here's Looking at

the last days of warm weather.  Reminds me of the song we sang when I was five.....goodbye ole paint!  Oh, of course, that was about a has been so cool, I'll be saying goodbye to the flower garden. anybody out there?


It was a very good year

I'll be here 'til first frost

One last sip ~

Where's everybody going  in such a hurry?

Sunlit Hosta ready to go dormant.....but will be back bigger and better next spring

Bring it on.....

Sedum enjoying a cool breath of fall....some things just never complain

Do I have to say goodbye?

It was a happy summer

The bird bath is empty

Summer just passed me by!

My head is hanging in sadness

Do I have to watch as summer disappears?

Until We Meet Again


Northeast Louisiana Modern Quilt Guild

It's official:  Ramona Putnam is putting herself out there and is getting  The Northeast Louisiana Modern Quilt Guild step at a time.  Here is the NELA MQG webpage and the Facebook link where you can go and click on LIKE.  These pages will fill up soon.   You'll be seeing flyers about NELA Modern Quilt Guild in the local quilt shops and all around town.  Pick one up and see what modern is all about.  Join in....let's grow modern together.  Our first  meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 20, 2012, 2 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, West Monroe.  We look forward to seeing you there. 

It may take a while for some to begin to think modern when used in the same sentence with quilting.  It's a movement that is quietly, quickly, growing.  

The HuMAn of the house is getting with the program!  Here was the dialog last night when I displayed this quilt top I finished before the dinner bell rang.  He wanted to know why the right side of the quilt didn't match the left side of the quilt. There are more frogs over there than here!  He says!

I patiently explained that I only had six frog blocks and that in modern, one doesn't have to make a symmetrical quilt.  But, he said, the right side has lots of blank you really want that?   To which I answered,  yes, I did want that space to remain open (I had nothing more to put there!), you see, that too is one of the natures of modern.  Modern can be very busy....just in traditional quilting, but it can also be free of busy-ness.  Could that be called negative space?   Lots of modern quilts are made by simply using many different solid fabrics such as those Kona solids we are seeing on the fabric store shelves.  His eyes are glazing over at this point, but he did have another thought: 

But, he said the fabric isn't all the same color!  Okay, I modern, there isn't the strict rules of color and design that we have in our traditional quilting groups.  That's why I had the freedom to use Dianne's flamboyant stripes next to the very quiet paisley set on the palest aqua background. 

Okay, he queries:  Do you like it?  To which I gave a resounding, YES.  He then added, well, I do to!
He is such the husband dear. 

This quilt (now named....A modern take on garage sale finds)  was quite the challenge and there is always a story:  A friend found these orphan quilt blocks in a garage sale....grouped with many other blocks.  Since she bought the bag, she of course, got first dibs, then allowed her friends to grab the remaining blocks.  My hands got there first, so I took the frog and string blocks and passed the remaining on to others...since I'm not the least bit greedy!

Another friend had been donated boxes of fabric several weeks ago and after she filtered through the boxes, she too passed the remaining fabric on to the rest of us.  I grabbed the green linen....a lot of green linen which I have been using in quilts.  So, for this challenge, it just seemed the natural thing to do to put the linen, the frogs and the string blocks together.  I used the paisley from my stash to make the quilt larger.   Oh, the Dianne Springer Timeless Treasures fabric was just thrown in for grins!

Here's what's left that will be pieced together for the back.   What will he think now?   Keeping up with modern, now that's a good thing!   It's okay to be's okay to be modern.  Double the pleasure, double the fun.  Learn more about the modern movement here at The Modern Quilt Guild blog.


Window Shopping:

It's not even, but....and, yet I can, oh my!  Why am I stuttering over this window shopping love? 
The tiniest little store aptly named 10 Meters Square in Orvieto, Italy. 

I can see clearly now


Bracelets to charm the wrist