Day 2: Tuesday

It took me a few minutes this morning to get this photo collage put together using my photoshop tools:  I thought it was fitting for Tuesday. 

Padua, Italy

Padua, Italy
Just a bit of picture editing to get rid the autos.  I didn't want them to distract from the beauty of the red brick walls behind the marble columns.  At the same time, I wanted the focus to be on the girl pacing as she talked on her  phone. 

Padua, Italy

I had to really edit and scrunch the tour schedule.  This was day two in Padua, Italy....May, 2012.

I don't remember where this picture was taken, but I found it to be an interesting background.   Now, I'm off for breakfast and exercise and meeting up with the Tuesday quilting group for a day of catching up on all things good to lift the spirit high to the sky.   

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