It's My Space:

It's my space....I'll fill it with what I want:   

Cats in a stand-off!

I'm not always sure why a street corner or people or buildings or a doorway, window, or even a cat might catch my eye.  Often times I get home and delete many of my pictures of the day.  But then, sometime, I just leave them here in my space to enjoy on a rainy morning or afternoon, to edit on a whim, to allow them to mean more than being just a picture. 

On a street corner in Austin, Texas
Corner Space:  Stop, Look and Listen

Signs of the time:  Where street signs get more attention than homeless.

Puttin' on the Ritz
The Ritz in Austin:  Before
The architecture and construction of these old buildings have
withstood the years of use and abuse

Puttin' on the Ritz
Still Puttin' On The Ritz
Still historic after all these years

The shed:  Has not received pristine care - But it's window and door alterations caught my eye.
The Brick-Over! Never mind that the bricks didn't match the original.....they filled the space!
and that's what I'm doing this morning
It's my space

The shed:

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