I thank my lucky stars:

Yes, I'm thankful that I have a brain....and most of the time am quite successful at using it; however, today wasn't one of those days.  I guess I should have 'done the math' a little more accurately. 

It's like this.  Our guild activity for the next several months is to make black and white stars.  Each month we will be prompted about the size to make  and how many we are to take to the next meeting to swap around with other participants in the activity.  Last month went beautifully.  I made my four 12 1/2" blocks for the swap and came home with a nice variety. 

12 1/2" black and white star quilt blocks

For round two, we were told to make ten 6 1/2" blocks.  Not a problem.....made many this size before so I'm sure that goal can be reached on this rainy afternoon.   Woah......meaning cease or slow down the course of action.  While my little black and white star is a cutey, it is not 6 1/2" square!!!!!   It's only 4 1/2".  What the, er,  I mean, where did I go wrong?  As the voice on my GPS navigator dodad says, "re-calculating" ! 

4 1/2" black and white star qult block

Thankfully, I  hadn't cut too much fabric and had only made up 10 of the little four-patch centers.    May not be such a waste after all since all our blocks will ultimately be divisible by three!  You see, if I finish 2 more, then I can attach these three 4 1/2" blocks to one of my 12 1/2" ers.  

4 1/2" black and white star qult block

Thanking my lucky stars as I do the math......re-calculating ~ 


1 comment:

  1. What great fabrics and stars! Just think...4.5" may be the next swap and you are just working ahead!


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