A little orphan block diversion

Just a small diversion this morning.  When I opened my emails and discovered that I could have a better free-motion-quilting-learning-experience if I brought a quilt sandwich (or two).....and the best way to get this ready in quick fashion for the workshop was to use orphan blocks left over from prior workshops and classes or quilts. 

Luck be a lady this morning.   I found 6 blocks and quickly put them together.  But the quilt maker in me decided it needed more  - it needed borders.  I planned to enlarge my diversion by sampling a few border fabrics.  A plus to adding borders:  I have even more fabric to practice my free-motion quilting! 

I first auditioned gold shot cotton with the black
and the purple/magenta
and finally the orange dot.  This one won my heart.  My favorite of all the fabrics I had on hand.....the orange with purple dot Kaffe.  Will you be my valentine? 

I really could have used two more blocks for balance...but since I'm calling this my diversion quilt, then it is what it is
Done and Done
Ramona is hosting a free-motion quilting workshop Saturday, February 14 from 10 - 3 at Quilt 'N Stitch in West Monroe.  Here's the Nela MQG link.  Don't miss out on this great opportunity to practice free-motion quilting on your domestic. 


  1. Now THAT is an awesome orphan-block sampler! Loving the border choice. It would have been mine too.

  2. I surely wish WM weren't so far away! I'd love to get my hands on a workshop. Ramona is right: that border is fantastic. Have a great workshop!


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