Organizational Mojo~

I had my organizational mojo working this morning when I was abruptly interrupted by the HuMan!
He wanted my pajamas! 

organized improvisational quilt blocks:  Marty Mason

and the nonsensical conversation continued (just long enough to interrupt my organizational mojo). 

Me:  Why do you want my pajamas?
HuMan:  I'm washing clothes!
Me:  What color?
HuMan:  Does it matter?
Me:  Louder YES! 
HuMan:   You'll have to explain that one to me.
Me:  Still LOUD.  If you are washing whites, then I'll just take off my tee shirt.   But if you're washing colors, then I'll have to take off my flannel bottoms.  It's cold in here.  I don't want to strip naked if I don't have to! 
HuMan:   Hmm....hadn't even given the cold air a thought!  

What a pile of scraps!

I stalk off to the bathroom to go ahead and get it over with:  took off my tee shirt and flannels.  Now he can wash clothes until his little heart is content. 

Mojo is a power that may seem magical and that allows someone to be very effective, successful. etc.

organized improvisational quilt blocks:  Marty Mason

I've not yet gotten my organizational mojo back, but I'm working on it without interruption.   Success is now in sight.......but I
still must get my thoughts organized  about how to frame this long lost and almost forgotten quilt top sample I made for a "what to do with your half-square triangles?" quilt guild program.     I think  I'll make it the medallion center and frame it in a multi-colored solid border, pieced together in an improvisational style. 

Also on the morning agenda was selecting a binding for this little dotty quilt....yes, the black and white dots won out. 

Yeah, my organizational mojo working! 

organized improvisational quilt blocks:  Marty Mason

organized and focused:  success


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