Leftovers ~

It's a day for Thanksgiving
and I am thankful
for a most wonderful life
filled with blessings
and all things left over

Isn't it fun the day after putting together another imaginative meal or two with the leftovers.  Soups and salads and turkey and ham sandwiches for days.  And finally when you say ENOUGH,  all the remaining leftovers go into the freezer to be pulled out in January for another round. 

Not really changing the subject:  But there are leftovers in so many segments of life.   Time left over from busy stuff may filter down to family.  Community service and church may get what cash is left over after the bills are paid and the entertaining is done.   And our left over trinkets, collections, furniture, and clothes may be carted off to thrift stores and consignment shops.   What I'm thinking is that leftovers are important and shouldn't be dismissed as unworthy of serious thought. 

Back in August,  I started a project while on a beach party quilting retreat.   I put together all the leftover blocks I had on hand.  All done....well, not yet.   I decided it had a few too many leftovers!

Improv sampler quilt made from leftover scraps

I cut out a few busy blocks and added some that were more calm.   It just needed a little less of this and a little more of that to give me just the right taste I was seeking.  

Improv sampler quilt made from leftover scraps

It's a leftover improv sampler quilt that I'll be using for an upcoming program/workshop.  Thank goodness it's now ready to be quilted.  

Happy Thanksgiving.  Count your blessings and your leftovers. 



  1. I liked the first version, but you're right, the second version is better. I wish I could put my finger on why I like one version of something more. I'm sure it has something to do with design, but I don't have the terminology, I suppose.

    Happy to know that you enjoy Thanksgiving. Our boys all came home for the big meal and helped out by taking home some of the leftovers. In fact, there won't be any in the freezer...but I am getting to the point of saying "enough already."

    1. Mary, perhaps we are hungrier on some days than others. Thus, some days require more of what is left over. I like the second version better, primarily because each row is staggered. A subtle change in the design element.


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