why are my hours rearranged?

It's November 2 and my hours have been rearranged and I am confused ! Again ? 

I've gotten back from Houston Quilt Festival and have just a few pictures.  I could show more but my hours are confused.  My watch has one time but my I-phone has another ! What time is it ?  Really !

One of my favorite things to do after any trip is to unload and get an after picture.  This on-the-day-after are my bags filled with loot.  A picture after my credit card was used until the plastic was thinner than before.  Yes, three days of shopping and I now have four five bags filled with fresh fabric.  Can't wait to start planning, cutting and sewing fabric from Denise Schmidt, Jen Kingwell, Marcia Derse, Cotton and Steel, CherryWood hand dyes, indigo, linen, wool and cotton from Moda, Art Gallery, RK, Kaffe Fassette, from the US, Australia, London, Japan - and did I mention Texas!

bags filled with fabric loot from Houston Quilt Festival 2015

It rained our last day in Houston and all the way home yesterday.  I loved this picture taken out of our hotel room window on Saturday.

So many beautifully displayed quilts provided by so many quilt artists put my head into overwhelm.  I gaped and gasped and took lots of closeups for inspiration. 

I left home Wednesday with this little neutral, improvisational-pieced, machine free-motion quilted, quilt hanging on my design wall. 

After digesting the beauty of each and every quilt I saw at Quilt Festival, I continue to feel comfortable in my shoes, knowing that I have a long way to improve, but rejoicing that this one is finished and that I had the heart to take on the free-motion quilting challenge. 

Always remember to.............

improv piecing, free motion quilting - a neutral modern by Marty Mason
.....love the one you're with ~


  1. Great job on the quilting Marty!

    1. Thanks Amy....I'm enjoying the practice I've been doing on "real" quilts.

  2. That would be a great title for this darling quilt. Your colors are perfect! I was there on Friday and had such a wonderful time. My credit card is completely intact since I didn't have time for shopping. My head is still reeling from the sheer numbers and from the gorgeous quilts. Oh, to be able to spend more time with those beauties!

    1. Mary, I had the time of my life starting 5 pm Wednesday, going until 5 pm Saturday. This was the first time I've stayed so long at a quilt show and loved every minute of it. Must say though that I was completely satisfied by Saturday and ready to move on toward home.


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