2017 ~ Have I Told You Lately That I Loved You?

This was a most wonderful year, filled with folks I love....filled with good times....filled with good health. 

It was a very dry summer
In the good ole summertime, I can always find him in the back garden ~

It was a year filled with fun travels - quilting retreats and quilt shows.

On the street in Savannah, Georgia 2017

Tangi House Retreat, Independence, Louisiana August 2017

A year filled with finishing quilts for myself and for others.

quilts ready for community service

Circles.....ready to be quilted for guild program July, 2017

Improv half-rectangle triangles:  Hand quilted by Moi
It was a year filled with workshops and challenges ~

Loved, loved, loved the Sue Welton thrift store shirts quilting workshop.  Sue was a guest at Quilters' Guild Acadienne.  What a delight!

Oh, what a trip it was to the beach with Karen Echmeier ~

And probably the challenge of the year was perfecting this image using confetti fabric crumbs as taught by Nadine Cain in her most enlightening workshop.  Who knew crumbs could be so good.  The Vase for The Cherrywood Fabric VanGogh fabric challenge did not get juried in, but that certainly didn't diminish the fun in the making.  Thank you Nadine for the pleasure of your company while we all made confetti. 

And then there was the Sarah Fielke "Down the Rabbit Hole" block of the month challenge.  The 8th month is complete and the 9th - 12th month continues to be a work-in-progress for 2018. 

It was a year for finishing bags and zippered pouches for gifts and guild fund raisers.
No guts boxie pouch.....one of many made for gifts and give-aways. 

and a Noodlehead design zippered pouch

I'm continuing to enjoy making the sew together bag.  When filled, it truly is a bag with all my sew together stuff all together in one place. 

And it was a year to continue to expand my love for book making in Bari Zaki's Buttonhole Stitch Bookbinding workshop......

Oh, yes, 2017 I loved you. Thanks for the memories. 


  1. What a lovely tribute to the year, your loved ones, and all the wonderful things you did and made.

    Happy New Year!

  2. A wonderful lineup of work. i am always impressed with your work. thanks for sharing it all.

  3. What a great year for you! Your work is always fun, interesting and inspiring. I loved learning improv from reading your blog, and now it seems to be the only way I quilt. Of course, that happened a few years ago, but who knew then what an impression it would make? Here's to you, Marty. Thanks for several fun years!


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