Here's The Plan ~

To help keep me from venturing too far off the path, I've decided to put it in writing....starting with the plan for January.  So far so good.
  • January 1 - didn't watch a football game.
  • January 2 - lunch with friend and a bit of shoe shopping.  What?  A girl can't go barefoot!
  • January 3 - Dropped off a quilt top to Jan for her to add her beautiful quilting.
Improv to the house quilt top....with improv log cabin border

  •  Drove finished workshop sample quilts over to Kelly and had a wonderful lunch.  Then over to Bella Nonna to enjoy the vinegar and olive oil tasting.  They make it easy to taste with locations in Shreveport, Ruston and Natchitoches.  Yummm. 

  •  Next stop, Joann Fabrics and what a disappointment that was!  I didn't realize they were moving house and cleaning out the old stuff at this location.  And I even had an additional 20% off senior discount.  Oh, well....I'll be visiting the new location later in the doubt! 
  • January 4 - NELA quilt guild meeting...first of the new year.  I'm secretary of the group so have to really listen up. 
  • January 6 - Landscapes art quilt workshop with Lynda Britton. 
  • And on Sunday, we rest.

  • January 11 - over to Ruston to enjoy the Piney Hills Quilt Guild meeting.  Staying after to begin formation of an art quilt group.  Thanks Sharon....I needed something else to do!
  • January 13 NELA Modern quilt guild meeting.  I think a brief meeting is planned with a sit and sew afterward.  Always a good time to sit back and listen to the younger crowd talk about how busy is their schedule.   Retirement is much free time.
  • A break in between before the Tangi House Retreat January 25-29 where 9 of us laugh until we cry (or wet our pants), sew a bit, do a little shopping at Mama's Quilt Shop, eat a lot and have a chocolate martini. 
  • Somewhere in here I plan start-to-finish another improv house sampler for a Red River Quilt Guild workshop.  Improv is not only block content but there's improv as to color and improv as to choices of fabric. 
Improv to the house quilt top....out of my head and onto the drawing board aka design wall

  • And finally, there's a quilt top on the shelf  ready to be quilted and delivered to community service. 
Yes, here's the plan.   Practicing what I preach....always have a plan for the project at hand, but never anticipate the conclusion.   Allow the project to take its natural course, taking crossroads and veering off the planned path when needed. 



  1. Just wait. That break will fill in with quilty stuff to do! Love the improv houses. I wonder if Red Stick Spice has those tastings? I will have to check it out! I love the 18 year aged balsamic. I use it over oranges, pears and ice cream'

    1. Oh, it those blank days are filling fast....and yes, with quilty stuff! What else?

  2. Inspiring me to follow through with my goal to get a plan going for my quilting projects. Over the last year I’ve sort of lost myself in family medical issues. 2018 will see more of who I am in what I choose to do.....mainly, mostly things that bring me joy.
    Reading your blog does just that!

    1. Looking forward and that's a good thing. So glad my little blog can sometimes be joyful.


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