It's been a busy summer ~

"I will not participate in the hate-filled political environment"  has become my mantra.  Of course, I keep informed and feel comfortable about who I will be giving my vote to.  But believe me when I say that your rants and raves and hate filled comments will not sway me into believing your truths.  

What I am participating in is keeping myself occupied this summer doing what I can to help ease the hurt and pain of some.  Pictured are a few quilts that have been delivered to those in need.   I'd rather be building rather than tearing down.  

Delightfully pieced and donated  by Carol Sue Kelly.  It was a jewel to quilt and pass on. 

Totally improv ~ from the scrap bin 

A take on my "improv to the 9-patch" workshop 

I dubbed this one "Piglet".....a panel donated by Carol Sue Kelly. 

A take on the log cabin using up strips and scraps from the bin.


Repeated the take on the log cabin - there's still plenty of scraps!  

Scrappy Triangles enlarged with improv patchwork border. 


  1. That’s what I need to do. I am starting to get too many scraps again. I might need to do one of those log cAbin ones......

    1. Improv half-log cabins - a quick way to use strips of just about any width with no pressure to match.

  2. Somehow the more I use them, the faster they multiply. Is that even possible?
    Your improv work is (always) impressive.

    1. Mary, we should do an experiment to be sure that the more we use them the more scraps there are. I know it's true, but I haven't been able to prove it to be a fact!


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