Hello September ~

 Well, Hello There! September.....I'm looking forward to a bit of time with no drama....please.  While we are weathering the Covid Storm and the Political Storm,  Hurricane Storm Laura threw us a curve ball.   It's the first time in my memory that hurricane force winds nearly blew us away here in  North Louisiana.  She wasn't pretty.  What a mess we had to clean up inside and out.   After being without electricity for 32 hours, I won't be taking that luxury for granted any time soon.    When it was finally turned back on , we were jubilant.....went outside and hugged our neighbors who were also celebrating the oddity of electrical power.  

A few August finishes in spite of its tumultuous ending - 

One that was started a couple of years ago (or more), Jen Kingwell's Green Tea and Sweet Beans.  It's a little jewel, however tedious! Four applique blocks were stitched this week.  

I've used a lot of little scraps that have been hoarded just for this quilt.  

More to follow until completion. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying this wonderful September day. 


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