Free Range Quilt Top #2 ~

 Truly, one must keep an open mind to contemplate putting fabrics together that have no obvious compliments one to another.   Thus, in this frame of open mind, I put together fabrics for free range quilt #2 - starting with those numbers:  a Tim Holtz design, then stopped at just the right finish for toddler or picnic table - 64" x 44".

The logic of it all.....the Tim Holtz numbers are hazy pink on almost charcoal gray, allowing the pink to be introduced, then the blue with pink flowers, then more shades of blue.  The yellow with gray designs (from Malka Dubrasky) followed.  So you see how keeping the mind open to color ideas allows one the freedom to add.   Go see free range #1.   

Enjoy the moments with me until next time.


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