Still here and living life ~

 I woke up this morning with the strongest urge to add a post to my sadly forsaken blog.  But what's a girl to blog about?  I scanned the sewing room, looked through pictures for an idea and came up with nothing brilliant nor newsworthy.  Oh, well!  

Having nothing to blog about and not to waste a perfectly beautiful morning, I grabbed a stack of larger scraps and hung them on the design wall to audition size and color.  Well, okay, these seem to be working beautifully together so I pressed, then cut off selvedges and rehung them before sewing, shifting a few around as I made progress.  

And, sew it goes, a completed quilt top measures 46" x 60" finished before noon.  

Finally, here's all that remains of those pulled fabrics.  Man, was that cutting it close!  The idea for free range quilt top #1 started with Lotta Jansdotter's "Follie".....the gray stripe leaves.  Make-do creativity starts with an open mind about fabrics that should or should not be included.  

Hope to see you again soon.



  1. Your version of “Quilt in a Day”.

    1. Yes. Exactly.....easy way to get quilts ready for sale or quilted and donated and makes room in my studio for more fabric!


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