The days just get away from me. The intentions are always great...the intentions to get a blog post completed, along with completing another community service quilt. And it seems the need to make quilts for wee ones in need has taken precedence these past few days.
Taking a moment this morning to show some pictures of several of the fourteen quilts that will distributed to the Children of CASA headquarters today.
First is a charming leftover from some quilter's "I don't want this anymore" box and all it needed was quilting. Done and delivered to a child in need.

Well, well, well...............three "RAG" quilts all clipped, washed and dried for that special ragged edge appeal. Rag quilts come together so quickly with totally unrelated 8" or 10" or even 12" inch blocks and scraps of left over quilt batting.

As much as I enjoyed making this quilt with all kaffe fassett fabrics, it just needed to move on. A good size for community service. Hoping a child in need enjoys the exuberant colors of kaffe fassett fabric.
No strip of fabric goes to waste around here. The old saying, "Waste Not, Want Not" is worthy of remembering.
The red, white and blue log cabin quilt top was someone's leftover grabbed up by moi, knowing it would make a delightful quilt for some baby girl in need.
Yes, I'm a happy quilter today....not the least bit anxious or depressed or feeling needy....Hopeful that there will be more in the days ahead..... Smiling as these quilts move on to work magic and ease the pain of someone who is hurting.