Not amused !

I found an email entitled "6 minutes to skinny" in my email tray this morning and immediately set my timer. 

Here I am in the first minute working on the latest art project, waiting on "6 minutes of skinny" to start working.

I'm looking for a grease spot or something, anything,  but don't see weight loss results yet.  Okay, so it's just the first minute.  I've had this weight for quite some time now, so I'll not get impatient! 


still working and waiting after the third minute
on the timer ~ Still no signs.  This is beginning to be a bit worrisome.  What?
Am I that heavy that this weight loss is going to take 12 minutes!  Why Me? 



and finally after six minutes and the bell sounded, I  gave a quick scan at my art then headed to the mirror

and I was NOT amused:   Liar, Liar.....Cat's on Fire! 

This email has been reported to SPAM headquarters.  Next thing I know I'll be getting emails that tell me I can eat my cake and lose weight too! 


Do you REALLY mean what you say?

Do you really mean it when you say NEVER?
 or ALWAYS.               How about FOREVER or even

 It's been raining NON-STOP! so the other day the group discussion was about how the sleet, ice and rain had kept us inside for an ETERNITY. 

 I mentioned that I was going stir-crazy spending so much time with the HUmaN.  Now, don't get me wrong, we do enjoy the pleasure of our company, but certainly not 24/7.   

 Does anyone? 
Oh, really!

One of the group immediately says that she and her best friend and dear husband do EV-ER-Y-THING together and NEVER get tired of each other's company. 

My body is beginning to squirm, but I didn't open my mouth.

Thoughts; however,  were definitely running through my head.......Hmmmmmmmm and how about in the shower.  Well, I guess any man, certainly not my huMAN, would NEVER get tired of showering with his wife.  But doesn't  a man want to take a woman break and hunt or fish, get into a game of golf  or tennis with buds.....just do outdoor work or watch war movies, have alone time in his man cave or something? anything? without you? 

No, luckily, I didn't even go there because I know that we don't really mean what we say when we use those extreme words.   Do you?  I know I don't. 

I will say this about that:  the day my HuMaN tells me he's going to the quilt shop with me, then that will be the day I quit sewing and take up sky-diving.....he doesn't like airplanes.  HEEHEE. 

Do pictures have to give meaning to a blog post?
Ink Blot:  Make what you want to out of it

I'll also end this little conversation by asking:   Many times.....most often.....when we say we can't, don't we really mean that we don't want to?

I was recently asked to write up a menu for an upcoming party. 

Without batting an eye, my response was an immediate, "I can't."

Well, of course, I can.
 I can write and I can plan a menu - I just don't want to write about it!   So, why then did  "I can't"  pop out of my mouth, when my truthful response would have been

"I'd rather not."  (because I don't want to)

Oh, I could just babble on FOREVER  but if I don't shut this computer down now, I may NEVER get dinner on the table. 

Simply saying:    These feet aren't in my mouth.. Yet!

Smiling ~  as I say that pictures don't have to be relative to the content of a blog post. 
A group picture of girls without men having fun last year at a quilting retreat.    After a week of relaxation, with just a nip (or two) of wine , and a bit of sewing,  we all went home to our happy HuMaNs.  (altered photo to disguise the guilty). 

What color is Austin?

Playing with  Kona colors I found while in Austin....QuiltCon 2015.  Still living the dream. 

Kona solid cotton color inspiration is everywhere on the streets of Austin.  Here in this beautiful cottage behind Lick Ice Cream Parlor I found Grellow and Goldfish,  Niagara, Nectarine and Titanium.  What a combo!  Even the hanging bird feeder is in Limelight. 

Kona colors in a house
Kona solid cotton Jamaica.   This vintage Chevrolet may be down, but certainly not out.....not painted in that beautiful Kona color - Jamaica was trending before it's time. 

Kona solid cotton Jamaica
Oh, and Kona solid color Grellow, Heliotrope and Honeysuckle in these chairs.   Some QuiltCon visitors also had these same hair colors!  Nice, for those daring enough!

Comfort Inn:  Austin
A sneak peek at Kona Honeysuckle nestled in this stack of chairs.  No matter the color, I wanted every one of them. 
Kona colors on the streets of Austin - QuiltCon 2015
 I see the Kona color Parrot in this beautiful bag....also a lot of Kona Gumdrop in bed pillows.

The colors of Kona in a modern home dec store
and a belated happy 30th anniversary to you Kona  cotton solids 

Happy 30th Anniversary to Kona cotton solids - it's a canvas tote

It was a nice dream in Kona solid cotton colors:


You didn't really say that!

It all started when one of The group shared that she had watched a TV program and  discovered that corn doesn't contain gluten, prompting our discussing current buzz in "gluten intolerant."   I voiced that I was personally of the opinion that while there are those folks out there who must avoid gluten,  much of the hullabaloo about gluten intolerance is that it is just the current buzz word and it's a way to draw attention to self.   The eyebrows did raise when several in the group began to name those is their family that were indeed self-proclaimed "gluten intolerant."

You didn't really say that!

Feeling shamed, I came home to do some fact-finding, as best I could.   In the opinion of those who are in the medical field and have done the research, there are those who are diagnosed with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder in which foods containing gluten trigger the immune system to attack the small intestine.  Foods containing the wheat, barley and rye grains must be avoided.

Then, there are those who may have gluten allergies.  There are five known allergies and may be triggered by different factors such as pregnancy, child birth, stress, and so on.   I pulled my information from "About Health."

"People have used the term "gluten intolerance" at various times to mean different conditions, all of which have one thing in common: the person involved had a reaction after eating gluten.
The term "gluten intolerance" is now considered to be non-specific and outdated, and the respective condition is instead generally referred to as non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). But in years past, clinicians and researchers sometimes used "gluten intolerance" interchangeably with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder in which foods containing gluten trigger the immune system to attack the small intestine.

"At the same time, others both in and outside the medical community used "gluten intolerance" to refer to people who experienced unpleasant symptoms following gluten ingestion, but who did not have celiac disease.  The differing definitions of "gluten intolerance" generated a fair amount of confusion both among physicians and among people who suffered from a gluten-related disorder.
"Now, however, top researchers in the field have stated that they prefer the term "non-celiac gluten sensitivity" to other similar terms, including "gluten intolerance," for someone who gets symptoms from gluten but who does not have celiac disease or another gluten-related disorder. To avoid confusion, these experts are urging the medical community to move away from use of the term "gluten intolerance."

I am truly not making light of the celiac disease,  just trying to put 'gluten intolerance' in my mind, anyway.  Continuing with my research, I ran across an article that listed signs and symptons....a list, not all inclusive:

gas, bloating
bone and joint pain
fluid retention
foul smelling stool
persistent hunger
nose bleeding
sometimes the symptons are not clear and the patient just generally feels unwell  (my personal favorite symptom) 

Okay....well, now I have a few of these signs and symptons but I just thought they were associated with growing older, over-eating and not drinking enough water!  Little did I know - I am self-diagnosed gluten intolerant!!

But wait:   The story gets better as I continue to dig myself a little deeper into the pit....another drama word, buzz word, ADHD.   I continued with my opinion to the group that probably all children are not ADHD, but are children who have stored up energy from sitting in front of a television or computer far too long.  They are children of working parents and grandparents who don't have time (or energy)  to deal with their energetic child so medication is their answer.   I'm sure there are children with medical issues, but not every energized child should be grouped in that category.  Some children just need to be pushed out the door with a jump rope or a basketball and gather all the other energized children in the neighborhood to have a bit of much fun that they will be too tired to beg for chocolate or cola just before bedtime. 

Disclaimer #1:  I eat just about anything and everything that's put in front of me with no adverse reaction....well, maybe some gas or bloating,  fluid retention and obesity.  

Disclaimer #2:  I have no hyperactive children.   I would have pushed them all out the door for a good dose of sunshine and exercise,  friendship gathering and horseplay. 

You may or may not take me seriously.  There are other current buzz words that bug me, but I won't go there.  Not today, anyway.   

End of Story!

Happiness is having a sense of humor even as we hurt.  I'm slowly loosing every acquaintance I once had! 
When, oh when, will I learn to keep my opinions to self?