"Here Kitty, Kitty"

Yes, I do  have a vivid imagination!  But I think you have to agree that this improvisational curves sampler quilt is quite the cat's meow. You see them too, don't you?

Improv Curve Sampler Quilt ..".Here Kitty, Kitty" by Marty Mason

I'm been making sampler quilts for an upcoming quilt guild program....just grabbing any and all scrap fabric I can find to get me and my program together.   Improv curves along with a little slash and insert.   I'm learning with every improv curves block I make to expect the unexpected.  And this one surely turned out to be the unexpected.  When I stepped back, I saw a kitty !!  Sitting on a window ledge with his tail hanging down. 

Improv Curve Sampler Quilt ..".Here Kitty, Kitty" by Marty Mason
then another kitty ! !   With his tail in the air, ready to pounce.  "Watch out sparrow...here I come!" 
Improv Curve Sampler Quilt ..".Here Kitty, Kitty" by Marty Mason

Thus, the title of this sampler: "Here Kitty, Kitty."  Just use your imagination and enjoy the improv curve and slash and insert quilt block piecing with me.  And, don't forget to thank me for making you smile. 



  1. As always, you can make me smile, somehow you seem to always understand my moods and swings and make me smile again! Love the sampler, so cute.........I just wish everyone could have the spirit you hold.......luv ya! Karla

  2. How very, very cool! Yes, your designs are full of smiles. :)) <-- See? There's a big one now!


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