It was a wonderful day ~

Yes, wonderful ...... spending the day in Shreveport with the quilters in the Red River Quilt Guild.   My early afternoon and night programs to them was all about improvisational quilt making .... where I get my inspiration, where I buy fabric, what fabric I put into those improv quilts, and then a trunk show and talk about each quilt in the trunk that I trucked over with me for the programs. 

I talked about my grandmother's influence on how I make quilts.

I talked about how, for years, I hid my quilts away, hiding myself from the inevitable not so enduring comments my quilts evoke in some critics of the not so ordinary.

I talked about my love for the utility style quilts  that can be made with wool and linen, rayon and silk mixed right in there with that quilters' cotton.

 I talked about how I don't use the color wheel as a color guide and how I had to shed all those preconceived ideas and learned knowledge about how a quilt should be constructed and how it should look. 

Green tree - an art quilt by Marty Mason

 A little sampler with pieced scraps, curves and triangles in colors that get me smiling.

So, there you have it - how I spent my day all rolled up in quilts.  It was a great day for me and oh, so fun to share my love of improv style quilts.  Thank you Red River Quilters for having me.


  1. Oh, Maybe you need to come down here and do that for us in old BR!

  2. Thanks for your visit here. I do love company and comments and would so enjoy sharing my love of improv quilt-making with your quilt guild. Just have your people get in touch.

  3. It won't be long that I'll be able to attend both your guild meetings! I am so ready to have fun and spend a day just like this one "all roll up in quilts."

    Marty, that second quilt just speaks to me. It has a quiet voice but has so much to tell. I've been paying close attention to the quilting in improv quilts and am so happy to see that you are willing to go beyond straight lines: they look good but quilting them is boring. I can't handle boring for very long. :-)

  4. Marty, we loved having you at RRQ, cannot wait to see you here again!

    1. Kelly, the pleasure was mine. I'm always eager to talk quilts.


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