Spring has sprung in my neighborhood ~

Spring is in the garden

Hawk soaring with the wind

and on the street

Levy-East House Carriage House Natchitoches Louisiana

in the air

and yes, spring is on the porch.  I've been patchwork piecing with strings and loving the look of all that wasted fabric coming together in this quilt top finished today. 

String quilt with shades of red - patchwork by Marty

  Doesn't each string patch feel like a flower garden in full bloom! 


Yes, it's springtime here in my beautiful neighborhood.



  1. Spring is everywhere, indeed! But where did this crazy cold come from? I've been cold for three days...in April!
    Your string quilt does have a spring flower theme. It's always wonderful to eat up some scraps, isn't it?

    1. Oh, cold in April indeed....but at least we didn't get snow! Louisiana will be warm soon and the grumbling will begin about our heat and humidity. In the meantime, snuggle up with one of your beautiful quilts.


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