But I'm not a pink person!

And I never said you were!  However, often times pink is just the right flair, especially in quilt making. 

improv to the 9-patch.....a workshop

I had the most fun opportunity to teach two improvisational patchwork piecing workshops for Red River Quilters in Shreveport this past weekend.  I took a lot of my scraps for the workshop participants to enjoy and while auditioning different fabric possibilities in an improv patchwork manner, one particular fabric was rejected because "I'm not a pink person!"  And I'm not green either!! BUT, what if green was never incorporated into my quilts.  Just imagine a landscape quilt without green. 

When life gives me a challenge.....still reflecting on rejects and discards without a fair chance, I decided to improv to the pink to see where this one went.  Here is my first fabric selection with that very focal lush pink flower added to the improv 9-patch. 

Yes, you're seeing right.....red and blue, black and PINK in this totally improvisational 9-patch

improv to the 9-patch....a workshop

Next step was to slice and dice and add more fabric....the aqua and the little patched slice using aqua and red, yellow and pink.  This one is beginning to come to life. 

Challenging self, more pinks were added and not necessarily the same shade of pink....or black.... or yellow and blue that's already in the patchwork.  Oh, my! 

improv to the 9-patch....a workshop

and so it's full grown.....30" x 36" basted and ready for quilting.  Yeah, Baby....we are in the pink.

improv to the 9-patch....a workshop

improv to the 9-patch....a workshop



  1. Definitely in the pink! I never know where you're going but love the ride. In this case we've come to a colorful (and pink) park with gloriful shades and shadows. Can't wait to see it quilted!

  2. I'll bring the quilt to the park if you'll bring the fried chicken. Let's have a picnic party to celebrate every color in the rainbow.


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