Simply a Joy

It was a wonderful week - just passed - but now I'm home and it was a pure and simple see my HuMAn and get his hug and kiss and then to pull into my drive and see my house with unshuttered windows with lights on in every room and to sleep in my bed under a handmade quilt and to awake to fresh brewed coffee and to unpack my few purchases while in Olympia and Seattle: 

Only two fabric stamp pads from Scarlet Empress where shopping can be done online or at a beautiful storefront - 109 5th St. SE, Olympia, WA.   It is a real treat to participate in one of Teri's card-making classes. 

I used great restraint at Shipwreck Beads but it was love at first sight when I spotted the the vibrant orange, citrus and be used to adorn the spines of my handmade books. 

Kitty likes the beads too!

Only two purchases made at Sur la Table - four mini loaf pans.....hoping this will keep the calorie count low! and four flour sack dish towels.  They'll probably stay in my art/sewing studio!  Some things (no matter how under-rated) are just too good to be used in the kitchen.  Storefront -  #84 Pine Street:   where the economy doesn't seem to have an effect! 

The perfect wool yarn to knit and felt hot pads So Much Yarn on Elliott Ave, Seattle.  Way back in January, I found four patterns at the purl bee for the coolest of cool hot pads!

No purchases required if you make your garden leaves your stamps!  Just find a leaf in your garden with spines that really stand out and paint or stamp the leaf back then press on fabric or card stock.  Nice! 

Life is not just for the birds!  Enjoy each moment every day~ 


  1. Great the birds! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip and got lots of "souvenirs" with which to remember it! :)

  2. What fun you had. What will you knit with those yummy yarns?


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