An August Quilter's Calendar

Okay, already....I know it's mid-August; however, since the month isn't totally over, I decided to get off my quilter's butt and make my monthly quilter's calendar.

Using a picture of Debbie's modern quilt - the one she brought and bragged about to the Piney Hills....Ruston, Louisiana....quilt guild meeting this month.  Love, love, love it!

Modern quilt made by Debbie Robicheaux, quilted by Melissa Ott
 I had to do a little twisting and shouting to get this one put together in Debbie's red, white and black color scheme.  But, hey....that's what photoshop photo altering is all about. 

August, 2013, quilter's calendar



  1. Love this quilt! I might have to do something day.

    1. Me too, Ramona....and Melissa's quilting - oooh, la la!


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