Under the Lone Star Quilt ~

I'm delighted to be finished with my lone star quilt top.  After all four borders were added, it was a delightful 74" square. 

Lone Star Quilt Top with Kaffe Fassett Fabric

If you haven't....you should use Quiltsmart printed interfacing.  I could/would never have finished the star without it.   Once you get it, you get it.   Just fuse each rectangle, fold and sew on the line.  The intersections match effortlessly!  Really! 

And then, of course, each quilt top must have a quilt back.  I had plenty of fabric, just not enough yardage of one kind.  Not a problem in this sewing room.  I just took the three fabrics I thought would blend to make just the perfect back for my lone star, arranged and re-arranged until I was satisfied with the design, then sewed all 49 blocks back together. 

Three Kaffe Fassett fabrics cut into 12" squares, arranged into pleasing combination, then resewn.

Now, it's ready to go to my favorite longarm machine quilter.  Yahoo 'til the cows come home. 



  1. I love the colors in this and can't wait to see it quilted.

    1. Thank you Vicki. Yes, quilting will make a difference almost as big as the State of Texas.

  2. Holy Smokes, Marty

    Your Star is a knock out!

    Pretty darn neat back, too



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