More about my Quilt As You Go (QAYG) Kid's Quilt

You know the song "I Get Around"  by the Beach Boys....

" I'm gettin' bugged driving up and down the same old strip.
I gotta find a new place where the kids are hip." 

Well, I've been getting around....learning all about how to attach each separately quilted block in the easiest, neatest fashion to get to my finished quilt.   

Step 1 - make your block, sandwich your layers (top, batting, back) quilt, trim away excess.  Make another block and another and another. 

Step 2 - combine block 1 to block 2.   Combine blocks 3 and 4. Combine blocks 5 and 6.  Now combine first row to second row and then to third row.

Quilt As You Go kids quilt

 I spiced this kid's quilt up a bit by adding the red, aqua and purple attaching strips.   Anything goes with a kid's quilt. 

close up of QAYG attaching strips (finished 1/2" wide)

You get the picture.  And so your quilt grows.  And when it is done, it is done.  So do-able since the block size makes the quilting very manageable under your domestic sewing machine. 

back of quilt as you go kids quilt.  I still need to complete the hand stitching and add the border....marty mason

Next step....On the back finish the closure by hand (or machine).  I prefer the hand sewn finish and use the ladder stitch.  Complete and neat.   

And, finally, add the quilt binding.  Thou shall be done ASAP. 



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