The beginning of a quilt-as-you-go kids quilt.

I've only been awake for a little while, but already my day has taken an upward curve.  It's not a great picture, but I'll explain:  

 Yesterday my fellow Tuesday Bee Group and I met up to sew.  I only had one project in my bag.....a gentle curve idea for a kid's quilt.  I started with seven 18" squares, all stacked right side up on top of each other and cut a gentle curve through all layers.  Sharp rotary blade required.  I then mixed and matched and sewed them back together in this order.   Well, not exactly in THIS.   

There's always a story.  Because I knew I would not get the blocks arranged the same way twice, I took a picture of the way I wanted the quilt top to be sewn back together.  Just a friendly reminder to self of how the task should be completed.  Hmmmmm.  Yep, you guessed it.  Even with the photo to prompt me, I still sewed my blocks together in not the right order!    I thought I would learn to like the arrangement, but alas, it just wasn't working for me so when I got home, I ripped a couple of seams, re-arranged and now like THIS arrangement better. 

I was just about to sew all these big blocks back together this morning when the idea hit me

QAYG quilt top sample work in progress

I've been wanting to do a demonstration for the quilt guild on how to complete a quilt-as-you-go-quilt.  Now that this quilt top is ripped, I have the perfect opportunity to make a step-by-step of how I do the quilt-as-you-go (QAYG) technique. 

I'll post more about this as I progress in making my QAYG sampler.  In the meantime, remember that a smile is an indicator of which direction your day will go.   Upward curves...we all have them.

Next on my list of what kept me smiling:  I pulled some of my most recent mod fabric purchases and pinned them in random order on my design wall.  I like this already and think this improv design will make a great modern quilt using the QAYG method to easily get a quilt made....from start to finish:'s a good thing!


  1. And out of adversity, came serendipity! :-)

    1. Yes, Lisa, mistakes often work out very well. What it 'they' say....when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Yum - tastes good too.

  2. I so enjoy watching you play with a block, sew it together and then what you do after that, is just amazing..........I love that 1/4" quilting apart on blocks............looks like quilting as you go is fun what you do.!!

  3.'ll have to come play with me one day. It's a hoot around here - nothing remains the same.


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