It's a Little After Breakfast Time ~

It's a little after breakfast.

It's a little before lunch!

And my dress is still casual - pajamas with a sweat shirt over to help ward off the February chill. 
It's not the best of pictures, but comfort counts when one is having fun! 

I'm not ready to meet the public;  however,  I've finished quilting and binding one of five quilt tops I stitched up while gathered at a most delightful retreat center near here with 12 other quilters. 

kid's quilt:  miscellaneous 6" squares

When I arrived home,  it only took a few minutes to quickly get each kids' quilt top matched with a backing.  Later yesterday afternoon, the quilting began.  One was finished  with the binding attached a little after breakfast....a little before lunch today.   One quilt top is sandwiched and ready to go 'under the needle' and three are back stage ready to be called up to front and center.  

kid's quilt:  miscellaneous 6" squares

A close view of the orange peel quilting design and flanged binding totally put on by machine.  The neatest look with an eighth-inch flange peeking out from under the binding. 

One last thought.....I can assure you the thirteen of us had a great time.....non-stop sewing and eating and laughing until we cried.  Sew much was accomplished and what a fun time it was
sharing and caring. 

Oh, and I'm still in my casual attire and it's now a little before lunch!

Where are you going? Where have you been?

I have had a busy 2014 and lovin' every minute of it.  January started out with my usual 'get over the holiday' sadness which I quickly quelled by going to a week-long quilt retreat in Richard....pronounced ree-shard, Louisiana.   At first gulp, the retreat center appeared to be centered right in the middle of nowhere.   If you google map search, you won't find this village.....I soon learned that there was so much activity going on within that none of us wanted to venture very far.  We did get out for superb seafood one night and had a delicious bowl of gumbo catered in to us on another night.  Quilters do not go hungry! 

On the heals of this retreat, I headed out for another several days of quilting with friends at Camp Harris in Minden.  The accommodations are not 5-star, but the price is right, the food is good, and there is no clean-up required after.  And a bonus is that there is a quilt shop within 5 miles where I can always find just the right yardage to add to my next quilt. 

Meetings, well, yes.....2014 has had a few meetings.   The fun kind, of course. 

Throw in one quilt show here in Monroe.  Well, there you have it.  It's the best explanation I can give you for not being a regular blogger so far this year. 

And now, I'm heading out for another 3-day quilt retreat but on my return will be back to a semi-regular schedule.   I do miss getting my head clear each day with my early morning musings posted here. 

Oh, and the greatest hotel reservations are made for QuiltCon 2015 in Austin.  Just in the nick of time before all the rooms were booked.   It's been a very good year and the best is yet to come. 


Ice Storm Musings

Photo by Tom Mason....quote added by Marty Mason

Very seldom do ice storms happen here in Louisiana - but when one does hit, 
then here is my take on the situation. 
 Just dance!

It's Winter Olympics Time Of Year

Yes, it's the Winter Olympics time of year.   I know this, you know this and so does Quilt Inspiration....a blog I follow religiously.  And I felt nothing but delight when I opened up the post of the day and saw the picture of  Olympic banners made to commemorate the occasion that were inspired by Russian quilters and other artisans. 

Now, I'm no expert on advertising or knowing what might draw a person in, but my gut feeling is that if a quilt show had made banners to adorn the inside and outside of the quilt arena, people from off the street would be enticed inside for a closer view. patterns.  Quilt Inspiration and friends are sharing patterns.  Too generous an offer not to take advantage. 

Here's one of my favorites from Molly Flanders with a "how-to" tutorial.  I'm drooling now as I pick my fabric to make my equilateral triangle quilt in the likeness of. 

Molly Flanders Equalaterial Triangle Quilt

I've made one in the past and love the simplistic beauty of this design.  In keeping with the simplicity, I used my vintage feed sack fabric and other fabrics off the shelf. 

vintage feed sacks in equalateral triangle quilt by Marty Mason

Happy triangles To You


Have I mentioned lately -

......that I am a member of the group Art Quilts Around The World.  And, have I mentioned that we, as a group, meet a bi-monthly challenge.  And, that this past months' challenge theme was "Art Nouveau."

I didn't interpret art nouveau literally!  But here's my interpretation of art nouveau.....a mix of stained glass, ladies with hair flowing in the wind and two-handled urns!

"Art Nouveau" for Art Quilts Around The World - Marty Mason

Go figure - - - When you go see the quilt art of others in the group, you'll wonder why they keep me on board. 


I do wish I could get more serious about the art of quilting.  But, why ruin all  my fun? 

The real deal.....Marty Mason


February Quilter's Calendar

Yes, I heart EWE too ~  February, 2014.  Do you need a desktop calendar download.  It's okay with me.  It's a short, but sweet, month so enjoy it.  Summertime will be here before we know it. 

A February, 2014 Quilter's Calendar by Marty Mason

The February calendar was made with a picture of one of my primitive wall hangings made with wool and flannel.  Primitive, a sweet, yet rare quilting moment for me.


Sharing how to make a 3-dimensional bowtie quilt block ~

I was a guest poster on the North Louisiana Quilters' blog and thought I would share the post here:  How to make a 3-dimensional bowtie block.  Hope you enjoy. 

Dorothy is pictured at her sewing machine with Christie's 3-dimensional bowtie quilt as a backdrop. 

As easy as one-two-three-dimensional....bowties!

3-Dimensional bowtie quilt block by Marty Mason

3-Dimensional bowtie quilt block by Marty Mason