Where are you going? Where have you been?

I have had a busy 2014 and lovin' every minute of it.  January started out with my usual 'get over the holiday' sadness which I quickly quelled by going to a week-long quilt retreat in Richard....pronounced ree-shard, Louisiana.   At first gulp, the retreat center appeared to be centered right in the middle of nowhere.   If you google map search, you won't find this village.....I soon learned that there was so much activity going on within that none of us wanted to venture very far.  We did get out for superb seafood one night and had a delicious bowl of gumbo catered in to us on another night.  Quilters do not go hungry! 

On the heals of this retreat, I headed out for another several days of quilting with friends at Camp Harris in Minden.  The accommodations are not 5-star, but the price is right, the food is good, and there is no clean-up required after.  And a bonus is that there is a quilt shop within 5 miles where I can always find just the right yardage to add to my next quilt. 

Meetings, well, yes.....2014 has had a few meetings.   The fun kind, of course. 

Throw in one quilt show here in Monroe.  Well, there you have it.  It's the best explanation I can give you for not being a regular blogger so far this year. 

And now, I'm heading out for another 3-day quilt retreat but on my return will be back to a semi-regular schedule.   I do miss getting my head clear each day with my early morning musings posted here. 

Oh, and the greatest news....my hotel reservations are made for QuiltCon 2015 in Austin.  Just in the nick of time before all the rooms were booked.   It's been a very good year and the best is yet to come. 



  1. It sounds like it's been a wonderful year so far for your, Marty!!
    I absolutely LOVE this photograph.
    Happy day to you!


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