From clear packing tape to greeting cards ~

Pinterest has it's advantages:  I learn lots of new card in making cards using old magazines, clear packing tape and white card stock.

Card Trick No. 1 ~  It was a nail polish ad......but it expressed exactly what I wanted to say on my greeting card.  Sadly, the cat (the black one) dropped a cat hair as I was sticking the invitation onto the cardstock.   Oh, well, such is life.  Yes, she's still in the world. 

Card Trick No. 2 ~ I found this picture of a yellow door in a magazine published locally
and fell in love with the red mailbox.   This entry was so warm and seemed to welcome everyone into its midst.   My little 2" strip of packing tape got the picture perfectly. 

More on the board:  I'll probably add a thought or perhaps an invitation to  "Come Fly With Me"  or something like that. 

Not sure what I'll do with this one.  It was just a pretty picture.  It took four strips to get the most of it transferred.

and here's another chance to make a "let's get together and paint the town" greeting card.  Advertisements make the best pictures to pull with packing tape.  I'm not even going to consider that it's copyright protected since I'll only be making one little card to mail out only one time!  Surely, they won't waste big bucks on me! 



  1. Are you gonna 'splain how you did it or provide the pinterest link? :)

  2. I linked my "how'd you do that" pin board at the very top of the post.


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