Tuesday Tugs No. 1

When inspiration leaves, where will I be?  Where will my future be?   Here, I sit, pondering my future when I should be getting projects completed!  Life continues to be good.  However.....

Tuesday Tugs took me to the drawing board.....marty mason
.....My inspiration has been put on hold by projects that 'must' be completed.
So, I created myself a friendly challenge
Tuesday Tugs
May not be every Tuesday
But perhaps
Tuesday will tug at me


  1. Annoying how those must do projects are just not as fun as the next new thing to take our fancy. Pondering is like dreaming so ponder big for a while. You know you will get those must do things done on time.

  2. Hi Val....I surprised myself and got something fun done for me in the afternoon. Now, I'm off to go sew binding on three community service quilts I promised to make.


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