I'm Staying In ~

I'll stay in today because staying in is being nice to self.  No hurry, no worry - just staying. 

Diary of recently finished quilts and a little bit of a work-in-progress. 

One started at the last Five O'Clock Quilters' retreat....completed here at home with big stitch hand quilting.  Calling this one On The Wings Of A Dove .....and that's a wrap.

Since my fabric shelves are filled to the brim, there was not much fabric purchased at QuiltCon 2020....except some from Beyond The Reef that could not be denied!   Cut and sewn into a lot of quarter-square triangles made from Natalie Barnes Homeward Collection

and a few "Plus" blocks.....a work-in-progress using Cherrywood hand dyed fabric. 

Plus blocks .....a work in progress by marty mason

Staying in is being nice to self surrounded by all good things and with positive thoughts for those in harms way. 


  1. Marty , I love all your quilts so keep ‘em coming.

    1. Thank you Torch. I'm sewing on my next one already. The sewing machine chair is called the hottest seat in the house.


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