Going Green:

The Mediterranean

One of the 20 chapels at the Sacro Monte of Orta

The lush greenery covers brick walls on the path leading to the Sacro Monte

Road to Tenuta Le Velette:  Where we enjoyed the taste of Italy.....charming Italian wines

Still enjoying my pictures out of Italy....these were some of my favorites

Linking up to Raindrops and Daisies:  It's a Green Day! 


  1. Hi Marty,

    Such beautiful greens you have shared with us today.

    Thank you so much for participating.

    You have a lovely blog here
    and I will be back to visit again soon.

    Why not pop over to some of the other "green" posters and see their pics and maybe leave a comment.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    Fiona x

  2. It was a lovely mini-vacation to see your wonderful pictures of Italy. They are so wonderfully atmospheric and ooze with history.

  3. Hi, I'm visiting from Green Day.
    These are lovely pictures. I've always wanted to visit Italy - thanks for the taster :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  4. Gorgeous Green...were you just there? Beautiful. The cat below is a winner too!

  5. Beautiful green photos of Italy. I love pictures of roads through the trees and this is a great one.
    Visiting from Green Day

  6. Piękne zdjęcia, a szczególnie pierwsze, gdzie widać morze, które uwielbiam. Pozdrawiam.
    Beautiful pictures, especially the first, where you can see the sea, which I love. Yours.

  7. A nice contribution to Green Day...

    Have a nice day

  8. Very pretty pictures - so, you're a world traveler, I see!


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