Playing Catch Up on my Blocks of the Month.....

My challenge to self this year was to stretch:  stretch to be creative, to use fabric in a different way....even use different fabrics that I don't usually put in my other words be less static.  Gen X Sisters' Ten Blocks of the Month are helping me achieve the goal.  The March blocks- School Girl's Puzzle - in two colorways are now complete.  Individually, I'm not sure they look like too much!

 Did I really put these fabrics in the same block?

 Or these????

When I joined this BOM and made my fabric selections (if you could call this a selection), I just started pulling from my stash....enough that would make twenty 9 1/2" blocks for the quilt top.  My challenge to self is not to go for more.  This should force me to use what I've pulled for the blocks - even if I must use a fabric next to a fabric that I wouldn't ordinarily use!!  Oh, and the palest blue background is a linen.

January                                               February                                                March 

If these first six blocks are any indication, I think this quilt top will be smashing.  
Want to see more, here is the link to Sisters' Ten Flickr group.  
Happiness is being caught up on BOM challenge.  


  1. Your blocks are wonderful. Really. I love the "odd" fabric combinations and must try to do more of that myself. I can't wait to see the finished quilt... it IS going to be smashing.

  2. The color is well distributed. It will be great!

  3. The colours and shapes are quite pleasing to look at all together. It will turn out lovely. I too have been trying some free BOMs I have found on the web apart from my purchased quilt patterns. I love the appliqué and stitchery ones.


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