Improv Curves:

What a gem of a gal....Lisa Calle demonstrated how she makes improve curves at QuiltCon.  I tried it yesterday and oh, how quickly this little 40" x 40" (or so) quilt came together.  Starting with 10" squares of different fabrics  that I felt comfortable practicing on - those that I wouldn't cry about if I didn't get the improv curve process just right.  But I got it right the first time and kept on and on until - each block was trimmed to 8 1/2".  Some I sliced only once, some twice.  Something to keep in mind is that the blocks shrink with each slice.  While working with larger blocks to begin with might be manageable, I found 10" ones very comfortable.  If I had sliced a third time, I probably would have finished with a block about 8".  I might try that next.  I have some Zen Chic, Comma, fabric that I've been itching to cut into.  Can't wait to make more improv curves.....Lisa Calle style. 

improv curves

So easy that I even had time to piece my backing.  I found this yard of fabric in my stash, but it was just a tad too narrow.   Three fabric insertions did the trick.  Now this improv quilt is ready for me to practice my free motion quilting on.  Now that's a work-in-progress! 



  1. I'm trying this today! Did you use a special ruler to square up? Just curious!

    1. Katie, I had the 12 1/2" square ruler on hand so used that to square my blocks.


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